Section 460.162. Appeal review.  

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  • The regulation officer shall  review  the   informal  appeal thoroughly and, when necessary, conduct further investigation. A party may offer new evidence if the regulation officer determines that it is relevant. When further investigation is necessary, the regulation officer may request additional evidence or, at his or her own initiative, may hold an informal appeal conference with the parties or their representatives at a time and place designated by the officer. If either party fails to appear at the informal conference without a good reason  or   without  having  requested an adjournment, the right of the absent party to appear at the conference shall be waived. At an informal appeal conference, the parties may do all of the following:

    (a)    Represent themselves, be represented by counsel, or be assisted by other persons of their choice.

    (b)  Offer oral and documentary evidence, which may be considered at the discretion of the regulation officer.

    (c)   ) Refute, in a reasonable manner, the evidence of the other party.

    (d)  Submit an oral or written statement of position.

History: 2007 AACS.