Section 460.2023. Numbering and general data to appear on each sheet.  

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  • Rule 23. (1) Tariff Sheet numbers. Every sheet in each rate book shall be numbered using a decimal numbering system or equivalent,  as  described   in subrules (3) and (4) of this rule.

    (2)   Commission number and utility name. Each utility shall assign a unique commission number (M.P.S.C. number) to each rate book, which shall appear in the upper left-hand corner of every sheet. A suffix that denotes the type of service provided shall be used with the M.P.S.C.  number,  for example, M.P.S.C. No. 1--Gas.  All of the following shall apply:

    (a)  The utility name shall appear on each sheet under the M.P.S.C. number or at the top center of the tariff sheet.

    (b)    Each utility shall designate its first rate book as M.P.S.C. No. 1.Unless the commission directs otherwise, each utility issuing a complete new rate book shall assign the next serial M.P.S.C. number to the reissue.

    (c)   If a utility changes its name, its new rate book shall be M.P.S.C. No.1.

    (3)   Original tariff sheet markings. Utilities shall mark "Original Sheet No. ...." in the upper right-hand corner of each original tariff sheet.

    (4)   Revised sheet markings. Utilities shall mark a revised sheet in the upper right- hand corner with the serial number of the revised tariff sheet and the number or numbers of the sheet  or  sheets  that  the revised  sheet replaces, for example,

    First revised sheet No. 5.1 Cancels original sheet No. 5.1

    (5)    Issue markings. Utilities shall mark all of the following information in the lower left-hand corner of every tariff sheet:

    (a)   The issue date.

    (b)   The utility issuing officer's name and title.

    (c)   The city and state of the utility's main office.

    (6)   Effective date. Utilities shall mark the effective date in the lower right-hand corner of every tariff sheet containing a rate schedule, rider, or rule and regulation, for example, Effective for service rendered on and after January 1, 2006. Effective for bills rendered on and after January 1, 2006.

    (7)     Commission approval.   Utilities  shall  mark  every  tariff   sheet containing rate schedules, riders, or rules and regulations approved by commission order in the lower right-hand corner as shown:

    Issued under authority of the Michigan Public Service Commission, Case No. ..................... .

    (8)   Change markings. Each utility shall use a system for marking revised tariff sheets so that the nature and extent of changes to rate schedules, rules, or regulations are readily apparent.    When  the  utility   creates  an entirely new "original" tariff sheet

    for a new rate schedule, rider, or rules and regulations, all prior change markings may be dropped.

History: 1981 AACS; 2007 AACS.