Section 460.20306. Nondestructive testing.  

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  • (1) In addition to the requirements in 49 C.F.R. §192.243, which is adopted by reference in R 460.20606, if   nondestructive   testing   is required under 49

    C.F.R.   §192.243, then an operator shall ensure that 100% of each day's field butt welds are nondestructively tested over their entire circumferences in the following locations:

    (a)     Regulating stations.

    (b)     Measuring stations.

    (c)     Compressor stations.

    (2)     If it is not practical to test 100% of each day's field butt welds as required by subrule (1) of this rule,  then   an  operator  shall nondestructively test a random sample of not less than 90% of each day's field butt welds made at the locations specified in subrule (1) of this rule.

History: 1998-2000 AACS; 2010 AACS.