Section 54.206. County representative.  

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  • (1) A county representative of each county shall be the county representative for all surveying projects approved by or initiated through the department pursuant to the act. When necessary, a deputy county surveyor may be appointed pursuant to revised statutes of 1846, county surveyors, or an alternative county representative may be appointed by the county board of commissioners to serve in the absence of the county representative.

    (2)    A county representative shall do all of the following:

    (a)          Assist the applicant and grantee by providing technical and professional expertise.

    (b)        Assist the applicant and grantee in the development of and monitoring the progress of their county plan pursuant to the act and these rules.

    (c)       Coordinate the perpetuation of remonumentation corners along shared county borders.

    (d)     Facilitate the inclusion of any remonumentation corners that were not included in the annual grant agreement.

    (e)       If a peer review group has been established, schedule and chair the meetings pursuant to the open meetings act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275, and give notice

    to any surveyor who has a position in conflict with a corner position scheduled for peer review.

    (f)       At the discretion of the grantee, provide an indication of acceptance on the LCRC that the corner record has been reviewed by the peer review group and accepted by the grantee to be filed with the state pursuant to the act, these rules, and the annual grant agreement. The indication of acceptance shall be placed on the face of the LCRC before its filing with a county’s register of deeds. If a conclusive decision cannot be made on a remonumentation corner, the surveyor or grantee may request an independent review be completed before the surveyor renders a final decision.

    (3)      If the county representative is also the grant administrator, that individual and that individual’s organization shall not enter into any remonumentation surveyor contract within the borders established by the county plan.

History: 1992 AACS; 2013 AACS.