Section 559.109. Termination of condominium project; notice to interested parties.  

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  • (1) Pursuant to sections 50 and 51 of the  act,  notification   of termination shall be given to  all  parties  interested  in  the  project, including the following:

    (a)   Escrow agents.

    (b)   Land contract vendors.

    (c)   Project creditors.

    (d)  Project lienors.

    (e)   Prospective purchasers who have deposited funds.

    (f)    Any  other  person   who  holds  an  outstanding    interest   in    the condominium property.

    (2) Such notice shall be made by first-class mail to   the     person's     last known address.

History: 1979 AC; 1985 AACS.