Section 559.402. Contents.  

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  • A complete condominium subdivision plan shall be comprised of the following:

    (a)   A cover sheet, showing all of the following:

    (i)   The name and location of the condominium project.

    (ii)   Prescribed wording as indicated in section 66(3)  of  the   act    for assignment of a condominium subdivision plan number by the county register of deeds.

    (iii)    Prescribed wording stating the exhibit letter or number  as  used   in the master deed.

    (iv)   The name and address of the developer.

    (v)   A complete and accurate written property description.

    (vi)   A comprehensive sheet index.

    (b)   A survey plan, showing all of the following:

    (i)   A surveyor's certificate prescribed as follows:



    (Name  of  Individual),  registered    land    surveyor  or

    registered civil engineer of the state of Michigan, hereby certify:  That   the  subdivision

    plan  known  as                                 

    (name)   county condominium subdivision plan no.

                        , as shown on the accompanying drawings, represents a survey on the ground made under my direction (thatthere are no existing encroachments upon the lands and  property  herein described) or (that there are existing encroachments upon the  lands   and property described as shown).

    That the required monuments and iron markers have been  located  in   the ground as required by rules promulgated under section 142 of Act No. 59 of the Public Acts of 1978.

    That the accuracy of this survey is within the limits required by the rules promulgated under section 142 of Act No. 59 of the  Public  Acts   of 1978.

    That the bearings, as shown, are noted on survey plan as required by the rules promulgated under section 142 of Act No. 59 of the  Public  Acts   of


    (Date)          (Signature)

    Individual Name--Printed Registered land surveyor or Registered civil engineer Registration No.           

    (fill in) (Firm name--if any)

    (Seal)              (Firm address)

    (ii)     All  easements  and   encroachments,     whether    of       benefit        or       burden, dimensioned and identified.

    (iii)    All property boundaries complete  with    bearings,    distances,    and curve data necessary to completely traverse the parcel or parcels.

    (iv)   All property corners monumented as prescribed in R 559.407(1)(a).

    (v)    A survey bench mark shown by symbol and described with       its    elevation referenced to an official bench mark of the national                                geodetic    survey    of the United

    States geological survey, which are based on the  national geodetic vertical datum of 1929. If the bench mark is more than 200 feet from the total site, a permanent bench mark shall be established within that distance in accordance with the generally accepted   standards   for establishment of such a bench mark.

    (vi)   Identification of all contiguous properties or waterways.

    (vii)    In the case of expandable condominium projects, all land on which the balance of the project may be located shall be shown, complete with distances, bearings, and curve data, identified as proposed future development. This land shall be shown in relationship to  the  phase  being currently submitted.

    (viii)    A location map of  the  project   with  its    relationship     to    the surrounding


    (c)   A floodplain plan when  the  condominium   lies  within   or    abuts   a floodplain

    area, showing all the following:

    (i)   The location of all condominium buildings and improvements.

    (ii)     The floodplain shall be shown within a contour line as established by the department of natural resources.

    (iii)    The floodplain contour line shall be shown to the point where it intersects with the boundaries of the  condominium project  or   to  its limits, whichever is greater, and be dimensioned to the nearest whole foot from the street or traverse line.

    (iv)   The contours over the entire project shown at 2-foot intervals.

    (v)   The floodplain area shall be clearly labeled with words "floodplain area." A common element or a condominium unit, other than a campsite or a marina  unit,  shall not  be  constructed   where  it  may  be   reasonably anticipated that the structures will be damaged by flooding. Where the proposed condominium project is within a floodplain, the administrator may require a statement from a registered engineer that the subject   property is not in  apparent  present  or   future    danger   of   flooding, including herewith an explanation of the factors leading to that conclusion.

    (d)  A site plan showing all of the following:

    (i)   Specific locations of all property corners, condominium buildings or units, and improvements by a coordinate system established in the form  of   latitudes  and departures in north-south and east-west directions  from  an  established   point, preferably a property corner.

    (ii)    All coordinate values referenced to either the Michigan coordinate system, prescribed by Act No. 9 of  the   Public  Acts  of  1964,  being SS 54.231 to 54.239 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, or to a city coordinate system, if one exists, or to a monument set during the survey, if such coordinate systems have not been established.

    (iii)    The relationship of the condominium units to the condominium property boundaries by either showing 2 coordinates on the same line, as prescribed in (ii) above, on 2 corners of the building or unit, or by 1 coordinate on the building or unit corner, and by a bearing related to the true meridian or a previously established meridian.

    (iv)   All general and limited common elements and approximate size.

    (e)   A utility plan showing all of the following:

    (i)    All utility lines for gas, electricity, water, steam, telephones, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, or services of a similar nature.

    (ii)   A legend stating the source from which the location information was obtained.

    (iii)   The location and identity of all utility meters.

    (iv)   The size of the various utility lines.

    (f)   Floor plans, when the use is intended for residential, office, industrial or business, or any other type, with the ownership contained within a building or buildings, showing all of the following:

    (i)   All structures and the specific location of each  condominium  unit  in the project, which shall be by a system of  dimensional  descriptions  and angle measurements.

    (ii)    Each floor of each building,  including  all     general     and     limited common elements and approximate size.

    (iii)   Each unit's boundaries clearly distinguishable by  a   heavy  black line.

    (iv)   The area of each condominium unit.

    (v)   A number assigned to each unit.

    (g)      Sections, when the use is intended for residential, office, industrial or business, or another type with the ownership contained within a building, or buildings, showing all of the following:

    (i)    The required number of views necessary to     accurately       identify    the vertical boundaries of the condominium units.

    (ii)   Dimensioned all vertical boundaries as referenced  to    an     elevation established at any floor, based on the national geodetic vertical datum of 1929.

    (iii)   All general and limited common elements.

    (iv)   All unit boundaries identified by a heavy black line.

History: 1979 AC.