Section 559.407. Survey requirements.  

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  • With respect to the minimum requirements for the survey of a proposed condominium project, monuments shall be  located   in  the   ground according to the following requirements:

    (a)   Monuments consisting of iron or steel bars, or pipes not less than 1/2 inch in diameter and 36 inches in length, and completely encased in concrete not less than 4 inches in diameter shall be placed at  all  major boundary corners.

    (b)   Monuments consisting of iron or steel bars, or pipes not less than 1/2 inch in diameter and 18 inches in length, or other approved  markers shall be placed at all minor boundary corners.

    (c)   Monuments shall be located in  the   ground  at  all   angles  in   the boundaries of the condominium  project   boundary;  at  all   points  of curvature, points of tangency, points of compound curvature,  points  of reverse curvature, and angle points in the side lines of streets  and alleys; and at all angles of an intermediate traverse line.

    (d)    If a location of a monument is clearly impractical, it is sufficient to place a reference monument as specified in subdivisions (a) and (e) of this rule. It shall be placed nearby and the precise location  thereof shall  be  clearly  indicated  on  the survey  plan  of  the   condominium subdivision plan and referenced to the true point.

    (e)    If a point required to be monumented is on a bedrock outcropping or other hard surface, a steel rod, not less than 1/2 inch in diameter, shall be drilled and grouted into solid material to a minimum depth of 8 inches and clearly labeled on the survey plan.

    (f)    All required monuments shall be placed flush with the ground,  where practicable, in accordance with the final grade.

    (g)   All required monuments shall be placed before the date of the surveyor's certificate as required by R 559.402(b)(i) unless undesirable conditions prohibit such placement. When the monuments are not placed before the date of the surveyor's certificate, they shall be placed within 1 year from the date of recording. The surveyor's certificate shall also be revised accordingly to reflect the nonplacement of monuments and a date by which they will be placed.

    (h)   The relative error of closure of the surveyed land shall be not more than the ratio of 1 part in 5,000.

    (i)   The bearings shall be expressed in relation to the true meridian or a previously established meridian or bearing,  and   a  statement   by  the surveyor on the survey plan shall state the source of information used  in obtaining the bearings outlined.

    (j)   Easements shall be established where necessary on access roads which provide access to the proposed condominium. When joint use  of   an   access road to the project is intended, an agreement for maintenance shall also be established.

History: 1979 AC; 1985 AACS.