Section 559.408. Identification of a unit, common element, and amenity.  

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  • Rule  408.  A  unit,   limited  common   element,  and    amenity     shall    be identified as follows:

    (a)    Each unit within a proposed condominium project       shall      be      numbered consecutively, beginning with number 1, throughout the entire project.

    (b)        Units    within    a    multi-phase      development        shall        be        numbered consecutively throughout all phases or amendments.

    (c)   The same unit number shall not be repeated for     different      units    in the same project.

    (d)   A unit number shall be shown within the area of  ownership     for    that unit on the condominium subdivision plan.

    (e)   A structure or improvement, other than those containing   units  to   be conveyed, shall be identified by its title.

History: 1979 AC.