Section 559.509. Structural repair or modification of unit; access to unit by designated person.  

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  • Rule 509. (1) The bylaws shall provide that a co-owner who desires to make a structural repair or modification of his or her  unit  shall  first obtain written consent of the association of co-owners. The association shall not consent if such repair or modification may jeopardize or impair the structural soundness or safety, or both, of the project.

    (2)  The  bylaws   shall  provide  that   any  person  designated   by   the association of co-owners shall have access to each unit  as   necessary during  reasonable  hours, upon  notice   to  the  occupant   thereof,   for maintenance, repair, or replacement of any of the common elements therein or accessible therefrom, and shall have access to each unit without notice for making emergency repairs necessary to prevent damage to other units or the common elements, or both.

History: 1979 AC.