Section 559.512. Resolution of disputes, claims, or grievances.  

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  • The bylaws shall provide for procedures, in accordance   with sections 106 and 107 of  the   act,  to  resolve   any  dispute,  claim,   or grievance arising out of, or relating  to,  the   interpretation  or  the application of the master deed, the bylaws, or the management  agreement, if any. The bylaws  may  provide  for   arbitration  or other methods of resolving disputes, claims,  or  grievances   arising  among  or between co-owners or between co-owners and the association of co-owners or between the association and a management company. If arbitration   is  requested  by the parties to such a dispute, claim, or grievance, the dispute,  claim,  or  grievance   may  be submitted to arbitration and the parties shall accept the arbitrator's decision as final and binding. The bylaws may provide for the application of the commercial arbitration rules,  as   amended,   of   the American arbitration association.

History: 1979 AC.