Section 560.107. Acknowledgment of proprietor's certificate for individuals and organized entities.  

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  •  (1)  The purpose of this rule  is   to  prescribe   the  form  and content of the acknowledgment to be used when a proprietor's certificate is signed.

    (2)     The surveyor shall affix on the plat and a  proprietor  shall  have  a notary public complete the acknowledgment which follows and it shall contain the following:

    (a)    Name of the county in which the acknowledgment is taken.

    (b)     Date on which the acknowledgment is taken.

    (c)     Proprietor's name as written in the proprietor's certificate.

    (d)       Notary's signature and commission expiration date and name   of   county in which commissioned.

    (e)     Name of the state, territory, or country in which  the acknowledgment is taken.

    (f)    ) Marital status of males. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INDIVIDUAL

    State, territory or country of (e) County of (a)

    The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (b)      by       (c)  and (f)    .

                        (d)                               (Printed name)

    (title or rank)

    (serial number, if any)

    Acting in         (a)        County if acknowledgement is taken outside of county where commissioned.


    State, territory, or country of (e) County of (a)

    The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this  (b)       by      (c)      , (title, officer, or agent) of (name of corporation or limited liability company acknowledging) a (state or place of incorporation) corporation, on behalf of the (corporation or limited liability company).

                          (d)                             (printed name)

    (title or rank)

    (serial number, if any)

    Acting in        (a)        County if acknowledgement is taken outside of county where commissioned.


    State, territory or country of (e) County of (a)

    The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this    (b)     by     (c)     , copartner (or agent) on behalf of (name of partnership), a copartnership or limited liability partnership.

                             (d)                           (printed name)

    (title or rank)

    (serial number, if any)

    Acting in         (a)          County if acknowledgement is taken outside of county where commissioned.


    State, territory, or country of (e) County of (a)

    The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this    (b)         by (name of attorney-in-fact), as attorney in fact on behalf of (name of proprietor).

                         (d)                              (printed name)

    (title or rank)

    (serial number, if any)

    Acting in         (a)        County if acknowledgement is taken outside of county where commissioned.


    State, territory, or country of (e) County of (a)

    The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this   (b)       by (name), trustee of (name of trust).

                        (d)                               (printed name)

    (title or rank)

    (serial number, if any)

    Acting in          (a)         County if acknowledgement is taken outside of county where commissioned.


    State, territory, or country of (e) County of (a)

    The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this              (b)        by         (c)       , general partner of (name of limited partnership acknowledging) a (state or place of filing) limited partnership, on behalf of the limited partnership.

                      (d)                                 (printed name)

    (title or rank)

    (serial number, if any)

    Acting in         (a)         County if acknowledgement is taken outside of county where commissioned.


    State, territory, or country of (e) County of (a)

    The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this    (b)         by      (c)        , (director of urban renewal or administrative officer of the municipality) of (name of municipal corporation acknowledging), on behalf of the municipal corporation.

                     (d)                                              (printed name)

    Acting in         (a)         County if acknowledgement is taken outside of county where commissioned.

    Note: (a) to (f) refer to identically lettered paragraphs of the rule.

History: 1979 AC; 2008 AACS.