Section 560.111. Contents of plat legends.  

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  • Rule 111.  (1) The purpose of this rule is to prescribe the contents  of the legend.

    (2) The surveyor shall place a legend on each drawing sheet of the plat which shall contain the following:

    (a)    )  A statement that the dimensions are in feet.

    (b)     A statement that the  curvilinear  measurements  are  arc   or  chord distances, as the case may be.

    (c)     A statement concerning the bearings, in accordance with the act. The bearings shall be referenced to 1 of the following:

    (i)       Michigan department of transportation right-of-way map sheet number and county name.

    (ii)    County road commission plans - provide project number and plan number in legend.

    (iii)   A recorded subdivision.

    (iv)     A recorded condominium. If a recorded condominium is used as a bearing reference or the plat abuts a recorded condominium, a copy of the recorded survey plan for the condominium shall be submitted with the final plat.

    (v)    MCS 83 coordinates, when state plane coordinates are shown on a final plat, the coordinates shall be reported at each government corner shown. A second control station and the combined scale factor (combined factor that is used to compute ground

    distance to grid distance  or   vice  versa)  shall   be reported, in addition to the reporting requirements of 1964 PA 9, MCL 54.231 to 54.239.

    (vi)     Celestial observation.

    (d)    The symbol "○" for set concrete monuments.

    (e)     )  A description of all concrete monuments and all lot markers.

    (f)    R=radial.   Lines not marked are non-radial.

    (g)       Found concrete monuments are indicated by "●". Describe the  visible portion of the monument, if  more than 1 type, describe on  the drawing.

History: 1979 AC; 2008 AACS.