Section 560.118. Proprietor's certificate; power of attorney.  

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  • (1) The purpose of this rule is to  prescribe   the  form  and content of the certificate as required by the act when the proprietor of a proposed subdivision has authorized another to act as its attorney-in-fact.

    (2)      The surveyor shall affix on the plat and a proprietor, which authorized another to act as its attorney-in-fact, shall use the certificate which follows and it shall contain the following:

    (a)    Name and  legal  address  of  the proprietor  required  to  sign  the certificate.

    (b)     Reference to the plat streets, roads, alleys, walks, parks, and  other grounds.

    (c)     Statement that the areas in subdivision (b) of this subrule are dedicated to public use or only to the use of lot owners, including lot owners in future contiguous subdivisions, if so intended.

    (d)    A lot access restriction statement  imposed  by  the  agency   with jurisdiction for the  road  or roads  to  which  access  is  restricted,  if applicable.

    (e)     Statement that the plat includes all land to the water's edge when lots abut a lake, river, or stream. If this is not the  intent  of  the proprietor, the limits of the  lots with  respect  to  the  water shall  be indicated with an appropriate statement.

    (f)    )  Printed name of the attorney-in-fact.

    (g)     Signature of the attorney-in-fact exactly as it appears in subdivision

    (f) of this subrule as required by 1937 PA 103, MCL 565.201 to 565.203.

    (h) Show the liber and page or document number and county where the power of attorney has been recorded. A copy of the  recorded  document  shall accompany the final plat.

    Proprietor’s certificate

    I (we) as proprietors certify that I (we) caused the land described in this plat to be surveyed divided, mapped, and dedicated as represented on this plat and that the                             (b)         are for the use of  (c)        ; that the public utility easements are private easements and that all other easements are for the uses shown on the plat; (d) and (e).

    (a)  Printed name and address

                            (g)                                              (Printed name (f), attorney-in-fact)





    or document          (h)         ,

             (h)           County records

    Note: (a) to (h) refer to identically lettered paragraphs of the rule.

History: 2008 AACS.