Section 560.126. County road commission's certificate.  

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  •  (1)  The purpose of this rule  is   to  prescribe   the  form  and content of the certificate on the plat required by the act.

    (2)    The  surveyor  shall  affix  on  the  plat  and     the     board    of     county    road commissioners shall use the certificate which follows and  it  shall  contain the following:

    (a)    Date of meeting and approval.

    (b)     Name of county in which the subdivision is located and in  respect  to which the board has jurisdiction over roads and streets.

    (c)      Signature of the chairperson  of  the  board,   immediately  above  the printed name.

    (d)    Date certificate is signed by chairperson.


    Approved on                            (a)               as complying with 1967 PA 288, MCL 560.183 and the applicable published rules and regulations of the board of county road commissioners of (b)         County.

                     (c)                                                                            (d)                      (Printed name), chairperson                                                                  Date

    Note: (a) to (d) refer to identically lettered paragraphs of the rule.

History: 1979 AC; 2008 AACS.