Section 408.12412. Inspection and maintenance records.  

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  • (1) An employer shall  establish  and  follow  an  inspection program for each press to ensure that its parts, auxiliary equipment, and safeguards are in a safe operating condition and are properly adjusted. An inspection shall be conducted at least semiannually. The employer shall maintain a certification record of inspections. The record   shall   include all of the following information:

    (a)   The date of the inspection.

    (b)   The signature of the person who performed the inspection.

    (c)   The serial number or other identifier of the power  press  that   was inspected.

    (2)   Each press shall be inspected and tested not less  than   weekly  to determine the condition of the clutch/brake mechanism, antirepeat feature, and single-stroke mechanism. Necessary maintenance or repair, or both, shall be performed and completed before the  press   is  operated.   These requirements do not apply to presses that  are  in    compliance   with   the provisions of R 408.12422(2) and R 408.12429. The

    employer shall  maintain  a certification record of inspections,   tests,  and    maintenance work.  The record shall include all of the following information:

    (a)   The date of the inspection, test, or maintenance.

    (b)     The signature of the person who performed the inspection, test, or maintenance.

    (c)   The serial number or other  identifier  of   the  press  that  was inspected, tested, or maintained.

    (3)   When an inspection of a press reveals a condition that is likely to lead to a component failure that could cause an injury to the operator or other employee, the condition shall be corrected before  the  press   is operated.

    (4)   An employer shall maintain a record of the last 2  inspections  for each press and the maintenance work that was performed as a result of  the inspections.

History: 1979 AC; 1990 AACS; 1993 AACS.