Section 559.403. Mobile home condominium subdivision plan; contents.  

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  • (1) A    mobile    home    condominium    subdivision        plan      shall      be composed of all of the following in compliance with  R 559.402(1)(a)   to


    (a)   A cover sheet.

    (b)   Survey plan.

    (c)   Floodplain plan, where applicable.

    (d)  Utility plan.

    (e)   Site plan.

    (2)   In addition to the requirements of subrule (1)(a)  to   (e)    of    this rule, show all of the following:

    (a)   Sufficient dimensions and angle measurements to  accurately   identify the area of fee simple ownership contained within a given description on top of the ground or foundation, either on or within the mobile home  lot.

    (b)   If basements are provided as part of a mobile home condominium unit, a section shall be provided which complies with R 559.402(1)(g) and a floor plan of  that basement  area   shown  which  complies  with R


History: 1979 AC; 1985 AACS.